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Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh

Mathura ka Peda

  • Duration: 25 minutes
  • Serves: 4 people

Authenticity Slice

To ensure the same consistency of peda, make sure to shape them when the mixture is still warm. That way the taste is set evenly, and the peda looks attractive too.

Trivia Tadka

Delicious and melt in your mouth khoya pedas’ origin can be traced back to the religious city of Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, known for its Krishna temple and pedas. In fact, large orders are placed during festivals like Janmastami, Navratri and Diwali and shipped not only all over India, but the world too. 


  • Unsweetened mawa (khoa), grated (1½ cup)
  • Powdered sugar (1 cup)
  • Milk (1/2 cup)
  • Saffron (zafran/kesar) (1/8 tsp soaked in 1 tbsp warm milk)
  • Cardamom powder (elaichi) (1/4 tsp)
  • Kewra essence ( 1/8 tsp)
  • Slivered pistachios (2–3 tbsp)
  • Granulated sugar for coating the pedas (for garnishing) (2–3 tbsp)


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